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UMTIA: Upper Midwest Translators & Interpreters Association, A Chapter of the ATA


Partnerships in Palliative Care & Interpreter Services

  • 29 Mar 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Children´s Minnesota, 2525 Chicago Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN, 55404



Partnerships in Palliative Care & Interpreter Services


Observant interpreters and translators have undoubtedly noticed the unique choice of words that pain and palliative care providers use in their day to day interactions with families and patients facing adverse diagnoses. While phrases such as "We want to make sure that we honor your child as we make medical decisions..." may sound clear and compassionate to a provider, they throw a curve ball for interpreters and families alike. How can interpreters empower themselves to clarify these messages and to become an integral partner of the pain and palliative care team? Join us to learn about the communication practices unique to palliative and hospice care, solutions to tackle the challenges these practices pose, and participate in a rich conversation with other interpreters, translators, and pain and palliative care provider Dr. Kris Catrine.


In this workshop, participants will:

  • Discuss the good communication practices unique to palliative care and hospice care. 
  • Review the training involved for providers in relation to patient-provider communication, and how it could be applied and incorporated into interpreter training.
  • Discuss best practices to overcome or work within religious and cultural constraints and discrepancies and how to communicate them to providers. 
  • Identify strategies to handle indirect language (euphemisms) when dealing with culturally different ways of communicating. 
  • Practice partnering with providers using case examples.


    Kris Catrine is the Medical Director for the Department of Pain, Palliative Care & Integrative Medicine at Children's Minnesota. She attended medical school at the University of Minnesota before entering a pediatric residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin. She then completed two years of pediatric hematology-oncology at the University of Wisconsin prior to leaving to pursue the development of a palliative care program through the hospitalist program at the same institution. She has worked in Palliative Care at Children's Minnesota since 2012, starting as an inpatient consultant, then as the Program Director for Palliative Medicine, then moving into her current role in March of 2020. She has particular interests in home hospice, medical decision making, ethics and creating a healthy work culture through teamwork. Dr. Catrine works with medical interpreters day in and day out during hospital rounds and when she sees her patients in clinic. She is very much interested in exploring ways to strengthen the partnership between medical staff and interpreters in order to provide excellent patient-centered care and obtain the best possible outcomes.

    Saturday, March 29th, 2025
                        9:00 am - 12:00 pm 

    Location:   Children´s Minnesota, Minneapolis Campus   

                        Education Center, Second Floor, by the Welcome Desk

                        (Suite 2300)

                        2525 Chicago Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

    Cost:          $ 20 for members

                        $ 40 for non-members    

    CEUS:        3 hours IMIA                   
                       3 hours CCHI                    
                       3 hours ATA

                       Minnesota Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf is an approved RID Certification Maintenance Program (CMP) sponsor for continuing education activities. This professional studies program is offered for .3 CEUs at the little to none knowledge level.


    Limited street parking available near the hospital. Paid parking available in the Green Parking Ramp connected to Children´s Specialty Center. The Education Center is located on the second floor of the hospital, by the Welcome Desk. To get there, take the ramp elevators to the second floor. Turn right and go through the double doors. To access the hospital, take the skyway across Chicago Avenue. 

    Additional information:

    • At UMTIA, we are committed to creating an inclusive and respectful environment, free from discrimination and bias, where all participants are treated with dignity and fairness.
    • Accommodations: if you require special accommodations, please email by March 26, 2025.
    • Attendance at this event presumes acceptance of the use of photographs and video of the event for UMTIA promotional material.
    Attendees MUST be present for the entire duration of the event to receive a CEU Certificate. We will be taking attendance. 

    About UMTIA

    We're proud to be an official chapter of the American Translators Association.



    P.O. Box 141432
    Minneapolis, MN 55414

    © The Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association

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