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UMTIA: Upper Midwest Translators & Interpreters Association, A Chapter of the ATA


Translating Mental Health Encounters in Primary Care and Behavioral Health

  • 17 Nov 2012
  • 9:00 AM
  • United and Children’s Hospitals Conference Center
  • 33

Registration is closed

Translating Mental Health Encounters in Primary Care and Behavioral Health

We live in a rapidly and sometimes violently changing world. More people than ever find hope for better life in migration. This results in millions of families around the world being uprooted and in need for help to “take roots” in a new soil. Multiple stress factors in the process of migration, including issues of trauma and loss, social adjustment issues, conflicts of identity, marital and generational conflicts present serious challenges for mental health.

Professional interpretation is a crucial part of delivery of mental health services to immigrants, refugees and their families. In course of this workshop we will discuss different aspects of interpretation of mental health encounters with focus on Primary Care and Behavioral Health settings.

We will cover the use and translation of mental health terminology and technical parameters of translation such as pace, accuracy and synchronicity. We will also address issues of boundaries, roles and responsibilities during different mental health encounters including individual, family and group sessions. We will discuss patients’, providers’ and interpreters’ respective expectations regarding the process and the outcome of a therapeutic encounter.

Last, but definitely not the least, we will address issues of self-care for interpreters, risks increasing burnout and factors protecting against it. Simple exercises and strategies will be offered to help interpreters to take care of their own mental health.

One of the fundamental laws of psychotherapy states that it can only be successful when the patient is motivated and invested in therapy more or at least as much at the therapist is. I believe this is also true for teaching/learning. I hope for an interactive experience were we can all learn from each other.

 Georgi Kroupin, Ph.
 Center for International Health, Healthpartners

Presenter:  Dr Georgi Kroupin, Ph.D., MFT, M.A. L.P. was born and raised in Russia. In 1992 came to Minnesota to do a Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy at the Department of Family Social Science, U of MN. Currently Dr Kroupin is a lead psychologist at the Center for International Health (CIH). Besides doing individual and family therapy with patients of the CIH, Dr Kroupin taught Family Therapy-related classes at the St. Mary's University of Minnesota and has been doing conference and community presentations on topics of Cross-Cultural Mental Health and Collaborative Healthcare. In 2000 he co-authored a chapter on New American Families in a Handbook of Family Development and Intervention and in 2006 co-authored two chapters on refugee mental health in "Immigrant medicine".

3 Hours of Continued Education Credits

Online registration: up to November 14th, at

UMTIA members: $15.00

Non-members: $25.00

On site registration: 8 to 8:45 a.m., $25.00 for members and non members

Presentation and questions
: 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.


United and Children’s Hospitals Conference Center

Lower Level, United Hospital’s John Nasseff Heart Center

225 North Smith Avenue

Saint Paul, MN  55102

For more information contact the UMTIA Medical Interpreting Committee at:

UMTIA Upper Midwest Translator’s and Interpreter’s Association- a Chapter of the American Translator’s Association


We're proud to be an official chapter of the American Translators Association.



P.O. Box 141432
Minneapolis, MN 55414

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