ATA Exam Preparation Workshop – August 4th
(Back By Popular Demand!)
UMTIA is offering a workshop for translators interested in preparing for the ATA
Certification Exam. Participants will do a practice test in advance. At the workshop,
we will analyze translation challenges and discuss possible solutions. We will also
explain how exams are graded and present “coaching strategies” on ways to prepare
in advance, what to bring with you, and how to manage your time during the exam.
DATE AND TIME: Saturday, August 4, from 12:00 to 3:30 pm.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: Translators who work in any of the ATA-certified language
pairs and are eligible to take the exam (visit for current eligibility
REGISTER SOON – Deadline for registration is July 6!
After you register, we will send you a practice test and further instructions. Visit
UMTIA’s website at
COST: $115 (includes graded practice test and workshop)
• Larry Bogoslaw (ATA-Certified, Russian-English, Spanish-English)
• Claudia Giannini (ATA-Certified, English-Spanish)
NOTE: There will be an exam sitting in the Twin Cities on Saturday, September 29.
For more information about the exam, check the ATA website.