Translating the World of Geek and Pop Culture
With this webinar we will pursue the following objectives:
Paula Ianelli holds a bachelor’s degree in Translation and a full diploma in Conference Interpreting. She is certified by both ATA (the American Translators Association) and ABRATES (the Brazilian Translators and Interpreters Association), and she is a member of AIIC (the International Conference Interpreters Association) and APIC (the Brazilian Association of Conference Interpreters). She is an experienced conference speaker and has also been a board member at ABRATES. When Paula is not translating from English and Spanish into Brazilian Portuguese, she is teaching Conference Interpreting at Alumni, the most prestigious interpretation school in Brazil. In the booth, she's translated from celebrities like Sandra Bullock and Will Smith to politicians like American Vice-President Kamala Harris, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Former Brazilian President Michel Temer, working at events with thousands of listeners and live broadcasts to global audiences. Her first game console was a Master System Girl her parents got her for her birthday when she was six, and she's been playing videogames ever since. She's had the pleasure of translating AAA games like The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Far Cry 3, Far Cry 4 and ZombiU over the last decade.
Date: Saturday, November 20, 2021 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (CDT)
Location: Online via Zoom. The link to join the workshop will be provided closer to the event date.
CEUs: 2 hours ATA
Cost: $ 20 for members (online payment only) Cost: $ 40 for non-members (online payment only)
Registration will close on Friday, November 19th at 9:00pm CDT
Attendees MUST be present for the entire duration of the event to receive a CEU Certificate. We will be taking attendance.
We're proud to be an official chapter of the American Translators Association.
MAILING ADDRESSP.O. Box 141432Minneapolis, MN 55414
© The Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association