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UMTIA: Upper Midwest Translators & Interpreters Association, A Chapter of the ATA


Things you didn't know you didn't know about medical translation

  • 18 Sep 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Online via Zoom.


Things you didn't know you didn't know about medical translation

This webinar will be presented in Spanish.


Normally, the pace of work of interpreters and medical translators is so fast that it forces us to take many things for granted. We see to describe, for example, and we translate it as "describir" without even thinking about it, when sometimes it is preferable to resort to other possibilities, such as caracterizar, explicar, detallar, especificar, referirse, calificar, definir, definirse, delinear o trazar, depending on the context. And we are not even aware that we are not taking advantage of the richness of Spanish as it deserves. It is worth remembering that the use of synonyms can enrich our work as interpreters or medical translators.

In this webinar we will talk about many of those things we don't know that we don't know. By familiarizing ourselves with translation options for very common terms that we were unaware of or had forgotten due to disuse, we will improve the understanding of the recipients of our work (especially patients) who, in general, respond very well to the naturalness of language that is achieved by using the appropriate synonym for each occasion. 


    With this webinar we pursue the following objectives:

    1.   To understand that interpreters and medical translators tend to always use the same translation of terms that, actually, can be translated in many other ways, depending on the context and the specific situation.

    2.   To analyze in detail a sample of these terms (about 15) that medical interpreters and translators encounter on a daily basis in their professional practice, with practical examples to understand each of them in specific situations.

    3.   To offer a descriptivist point of view of medical interpretation and translation: our profession allows for a certain creativity, within the command and strict compliance with conventional grammatical and orthotypographic rules.


    Pablo Mugüerza is a Spanish medical translator EN>ES with more than 35 years of experience as a translator, both on-site (McGraw-Hill) and freelance (most of the time). He graduated in medicine in 1987 and since then has worked for the most important translation agencies in Spain and abroad, and for most of the major pharmaceutical companies and CROs. He is an external translator for the WHO in Geneva, Switzerland. He is one of the foremost authorities on the translation of EN>ES clinical trial protocols, on which he has published a highly demanded manual (the 2nd edition sold out in March 2018). Since 2009 he has presented more than a hundred workshops, courses and conferences in both English and Spanish, in person and online, in many countries in Europe and in North and South America. Currently, in addition to his uninterrupted work as a translator and ENES reviewer for the world's leading agencies and CROs, he is a consultant for the terminology unit of the Spanish Royal National Academy of Medicine and for Evidera (one of the world's largest Health Marketing Research companies) and a "trust miner" for the pioneering text mining company Exfluency. To learn more about his intense professional and networking activity, please visit his website

    Saturday, September 18, 2021
                      9:00 am - 10:30 am (CDT)

    Online via Zoom. The link to join the workshop will be provided closer to the event date.

    CEUs:      1.5 hours CCHI - IMIA 
    CEUs:      1 hour ATA 

    Cost:       $ 20 for members (online payment only)
    Cost:       $ 40 for non-members (online payment only)

    Registration will close on Friday, September 17th at 9:00pm CDT

    Attendees MUST be present for the entire duration of the event to receive a CEU Certificate. We will be taking attendance. 

    About UMTIA

    We're proud to be an official chapter of the American Translators Association.



    P.O. Box 141432
    Minneapolis, MN 55414

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