Maternal-Fetal Medicine Vocabulary for Interpreters
The field of Maternal-Fetal Medicine is increasingly more important as 30% of pregnancies require these services. Therefore, interpreters are instrumental to help communicate complex information to patients whose primary language is not English.
Stephen Contag, M.D. is a Maternal-Fetal Medicine physician who specializes in women’s health and pregnancy and birth. Dr. Contag is also an associate professor at the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health at the University of Minnesota Medical School. His training includes a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Hospital Isidro Ayora in Quito, Ecuador, and another residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He completed a fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He is a member of the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology and was recognized in Minnesota Monthly "Top Doctor" in 2019. Dr. Contag is fluent in English and Spanish.
Date: Saturday, June 26, 2021 9:00 am - 11:00 am (CDT)
Location: Online via Zoom. The link to join the workshop will be provided closer to the event date.
CEUs: 2.0 hours CCHI - ATA - IMIA
Cost: $ 20 for members (online payment only) Cost: $ 40 for non-members (online payment only)
Registration will close on Friday, June 25 at 9:00pm CDT
Attendees MUST be present for the entire duration of the event to receive a CEU Certificate. We will be taking attendance.
We're proud to be an official chapter of the American Translators Association.
MAILING ADDRESSP.O. Box 141432Minneapolis, MN 55414
© The Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association