Interpreter Support Group
Medical or legal, spoken or sign language, whatever the discipline, interpreters act as both witnesses and narrators of many aspects of trauma, which over time can impact mental health and emotional well-being.
This support group, led by a Medical Interpreter, will include share guidance related to stress and self-care as well as dedicated time to support each other, ask questions, and share experiences. Come to receive support, learn something new, or to support others!
Judith has served as a volunteer interpreter since 1985 in her country of origin, Panama, as well as in Germany and the USA. Ms. Custodio earned the Certificate in Interpreting at the Program for Translating and Interpreting at the University of Minnesota (2009), the Certificate in Medical Interpreting from the National Center for Interpretation at the University of Arizona (2011),and became a National Certified Medical interpreter (CMI) in 2012. Ms. Custodio earned her Associate in Applied Science in Interpreting and Translation degree from Century College in December 2016. She has also served as the Education Committee Chair of the Minnesota Interpreting Stakeholder Group (ISG). In addition, she is a volunteer founder of the Century College Translators and Interpreters’ Walk and Share in Minneapolis. Ms. Custodio is currently serving as a Member at Large at UMTIA and she serves as the Minnesota State Chapter of the International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA). She is committed to networking with interpreters, to share professional experiences and knowledge in the interpreting field, and to contribute to the enrichment of the physical, emotional and intellectual care of interpreters while providing the opportunity to build a network within the professional field.
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Location: United & Children's Hospital
St. Luke's Room - Lower level
John Nasseff Medical Center
255 Smith Avenue North
St. Paul, MN 55102
This is a FREE event. Please register to attend!