2018 UMTIA Annual Membership Meeting for UMTIA members only
Saturday, November 17, 201812:30 - 4:00
University of Minnesota West Bank Hanson Hall (Room 1-109)1925 S 4th StreetMinneapolis, MN 55455
Keynote speaker Sarah Brenes, Director of Refugee & Immigrant Program at The Advocates for Human Rights, will talk about "The importance of working with Interpreters and Translators for Immigration and Asylum cases".
And Special presentation by Aída Azzazi (Minneapolis Public Schools District Interpreter & Translator for Special Education and UMTIA Secretary) on "How to promote our professions in the schools".
Find detailed program and Keynote speaker bio here
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MEETING will include Information on the 2019 Bill proposal for Spoken Language Health Care Interpreting Registry and Statewide Standards.
12:30 Check-in
1:00 Welcome Announce new Board Members Financial report
1:30 Keynote presentation by Sarah Brenes
2:15 Break
2:35 Awards, vouchers, raffle
2:45 Special presentation by Aída Azzazi
3:15 Networking/organizational review session
4:00 Closing
Please register to attend!
If you are not currently a paid member, you can become a member now and have your membership valid for the rest of 2018 and all of 2019! Click here
We're proud to be an official chapter of the American Translators Association.
MAILING ADDRESSP.O. Box 141432Minneapolis, MN 55414
© The Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association