Volunteer Recognition Barbecue
UMTIA wishes to honor our volunteers and active members by inviting them with their families to a barbecue!
Sunday, July 15, 2018
11:30am - 3:30pm
at Round Lake Park
16691 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55346
Bring a salad or dessert to share!
UMTIA will provide everything else!
Be ready to swim at the beach, play sand volleyball, tennis, softball, basketball, or just relax under the shade and listen to music.
We will officially start at 11:30 am, but the shelter reservation starts at 9 if you want to come early to enjoy the park.
Registration is by invitation only!
We're proud to be an official chapter of the American Translators Association.
MAILING ADDRESSP.O. Box 141432Minneapolis, MN 55414
© The Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association