Radia Hassen has an extensive background in Community Development and Education including positions as an Undergraduate Instructor and Technical Assistant at Hawassa University in Ethiopia, a Field Extension Agent for Winrock International in rural Ethiopia and Advisor to the Minister and State Minister for the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children’s Affairs Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Ms Hassen has a Bachelor’s Degree in Home Science and Technology from Hawassa University in Ethiopa, a Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality and Hotel Administration from the Institute of Hotel Management in New Dehli, India, and a Masters of Business Administration from Jamia Hamdard University, in New Dehli, India. She also has many certifications including training on International Conflict Resolution in Feldafing, Germany.
Currently, Radia is a Community Outreach Leader in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, with a primary focus on the Oromo community, and is an active volunteer at Lift Kids, a St. Paul-based non-profit that supports leaders to develop sustainable village communities. She is also currently working as a medical interpreter for Amharic and Oromo language in HCMC.
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