Dr. Henry is a Licensed Psychologist who specializes in primary care mental health integration. She received her doctorate in counseling psychology from the University of St. Thomas and completed a fellowship in primary care mental health integration at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center. At HCMC, she treats physical and mental health conditions with cognitive and behavioral therapies including behavioral activation, acceptance and commitment therapy, and mind/body interventions. She helps patients with behavior change, using motivational interviewing strategies.
Pay by credit card or paypal Preregistered Members: $5.00 Preregistered Non-members: $10.00 Same day registration: 8:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. All: $10.00
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If you do not register ahead of time, please arrive BEFORE 8:45
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MAILING ADDRESSP.O. Box 141432Minneapolis, MN 55414
© The Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association