When: Saturday June 4th, 2016
Presented by
Ana Locke, UMTIA Board Member, with a Certificate in Interpretation and Translation from the UofM, and a BS in Veterinary Medicine from Colombia.
As part of a pioneering program at UCSF to help genetic counselors communicate more effectively with their patients, veteran interpreter trainer Cindy Roat and UCSF anthropologist Dr. Galen Joseph have teamed up to create a new curriculum to prepare interpreters for cancer genetic counseling sessions. This curriculum, designed for interpreters who have already received basic training, contains all the content, lesson plans and multi-media materials necessaryfor a four-and-a half-hour workshop, which covers the following topics:
Whittier Cinic Conference Room, 2810 Nicollet Avenue Minneapolis MN 55408
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Online registration (up to June 1st) click here
Attendance at this event presumes acceptance of the use of photographs of the event for UMTIA promotional material
HCMC employees can register for free thanks to the contribution of HCMC to the costs of the training sessions.
We're proud to be an official chapter of the American Translators Association.
MAILING ADDRESSP.O. Box 141432Minneapolis, MN 55414
© The Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association